Historein (Athens, 1999) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal published biannually by the Cultural and Intellectual History Society (Athens). It is both historical and interdisciplinary in its perspective. It is thus situated within a scholarly “free trade” zone that encourages the interaction between history, philosophy, social anthropology, sociology, gender and labour studies, epistemology, literary and cultural studies. Its main aim is to promote the study of themes and phenomena that cannot be approached solely from within one discipline.
Historein strongly supports approaches that tend to erase the distance between theory and research by making self-reflection a vital element of historical scholarship at all levels and stages. At the centre of its interest are questions concerning the production of knowledge about the past, the historicity of interpretative and argumentative strategies, and the politics of disciplinarity. Within this framework, Historein also aims at the enrichment of the evolving debates around class, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion and generation, and the impact respective conceptualisations have had on the establishment of collective formations and subjectivities.
The journal invites articles that present research around the theme of each issue. Contextual approaches and case-studies are welcomed, while emphasis is put on the national, transnational and global structures and dynamics that have defined and determined these phenomena in the modern era. Apart from scholarly articles, it also contains a review section referring mostly to recently published works mainly but not exclusively on Greece. Its intention is to create a vibrant forum for critical insights and exchanges, and invites contributions that include reviews, commentaries and review articles that promote crucial dialogue and take positions within contemporary debates in the fields of history and the humanities.
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