Historein. Atenas, v.10, 2010/ v.1, 1999.

Historein. Atenas, v.10, 2010.

History between Reflexivity and Critique

Published: 2012-04-24

Historein. Atenas, v.9, 2009.

Historising: 1968 and the Long Sixties

Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.8, 2008.

Performing Emotions: Historical and Anthropological Sites of Affect

Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.7, 2007.

History and Utopia

Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.6, 2006.

Religions in Conflict

Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.5, 2005.


Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.4, 2003.

Public Histories

Published: 2012-05-22

Historein. Atenas, v.3, 2001.

European Ego-histoires: Historiography and the Self, 1970-2000

Published: 2012-05-28

Historein. Atenas, v.2, 2000.

Heterodoxies: Constructions of Identities and Otherness in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

Published: 2012-05-28

Historein. Atenas, v.1, 1999.

History and Semiotics

Published: 2012-05-28

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