"Develop an image that represents the interconnection between different sources of information and narratives expressed in different languages, highlighting the…
Recorte sobre "Mapa de gêneros textuais" | Imagem: Bia Mapas O artigo Texto não é pretexto: gêneros, habilidades, competência e…
WINEBURG, Sam. Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 2018. 241p. Resenha…
GIRÁLDEZ HAYES, A.; PRINCE, E.-S. Habilidades para la vida: Aprender a ser y aprender a convivir en la escuela. Madrid:…
DAVIS Bob. Skills Mania: Snake Oil in Our Schools? Toronto: Between The Lines, 2000. 224p. Resenha de: SENGER, Elizabeth. Canadian…
LINDQUIST, Tarry ; SELWYN, Douglas. Social Studies at the Center: Integrating Kids, Content, and Literacy. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 2000. 256p.…
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