O estudo do tempo histórico (temporalidade) vem se modificando recentemente no campo da teoria e filosofia da história, como apontou…
Milles Taylor. Foto: Telegraph India / The most remarkable feature of the mould-breaking expansion of higher education that took place…
Faye Sayer / SAYER, Faye. Public History. A Practical Guide. London, Bloomsbury, 2015. Resenha de: HARNETT, Penelope. International Journal of…
CONNELLY, James Connelly; JOHNSON, Peter Johnson; LEACH, Stephen. R. G. Collingwood: A Research Companion. London: Bloomsbury, 2015. 293p. Resenha de:…
ORESKES, Naomi; CONWAY, Eric M. Merchants of doubt. How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco…
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