Les Cahiers de Muséologie. Liège, n.1, Hors-série n° 1 – Actes du colloque “Les musées universitaires & leurs publics”, 2021.
- Hors-série n° 1 – Actes du colloque « Les musées universitaires & leurs publics »
- Christine Servais Préface : « Pour quoi faire ? »
- Manuelina Maria Duarte Cândido Présentation des Actes : le patrimoine culturel universitaire et la société
- André Gob Allocution de bienvenue et d’introduction au colloque
- Conférences
- Communications
- Regard des étudiants
Les Cahiers de Muséologie. Liège, n.1, 2021.
- Les Cahiers de Muséologie n° 1
- Présentation
- Manuelina Maria Duarte Cândido 4-7
- Articles
- Deux Brésiliens en quête d’un modèle de musée moderne. Le parcours européen de Livio Xavier Júnior et Sérvulo Esmeraldo 9-33
- Carolina Ruoso
- Comment analyser le déplacement du patrimoine dans le contexte de la politique culturelle? 34-52
- Harumi Kinoshita
- The SoMus Project: Close-up on Innovative Participatory Management Models in European Museums 53-77
- Lorena Sancho Querol
- Entre un espace muséologique et muséographique. Étude de cas : le Musée Archéologique de l’Université Saint-Esprit 78-96
- Gilbert Nicolas
- Carnets de visite
- Le Musée de l’Éphémère de Herstal: source d’inspiration pour le musée de demain ? 98-107
- Thomas Briamont
- Memories of a visit to Brazil’s National Museum: narratives of an experience and perspectives on reconstruction 108-118
- André Onofre Limírio Chaves
- Inter-American Dialogues at the Sacred Art Museum of São Paulo (Brazil) 119-126
- Otávio Balaguer
- Getting to know the Mineiro Museum: tours and museological experiences of Minas Gerais culture 127-137
- Igor Cândido Costa, Stephanie Nunes de Lima & Rita de Cássia Cavalcante
- « L’art autrement » au Musée Mudia de Redu? 138-150
- Émeline Cahay & Léanna Michel
- Le Préhistomuseum: deviens l’Homo Sapiens de ta tribu! 151-158
- Océane Mest & Pauline Duret
- Note de lecture
- Museums in a time of Migration: repenser les rôles, les représentations, les collections et les collaborations du musée 160-169
- Andrea Delaplace
- Dans la marge
- « Le pouvoir de la muséologie sociale » ou le nouveau Décalogue de la muséologie : essai sur la Déclaration de Córdoba 171-174
- Yves Bergeron
- Le Mouvement International pour une nouvelle Muséologie et la Déclaration de Córdoba – Argentine 175-178
- Mário Chagas
- Déclaration de Córdoba – XVIII Conférence Internationale du MINOM: une muséologie qui n’est pas utile à la vie est une muséologie qui ne sert à rien 179-182
- Babel Tower – Museum People in Dialogue: An overview 183-194
- Giusy Pappalardo
- La Tour de Babel à travers le regard des étudiants 195-202
- Pauline Duret & Floriane Paquay
Les Cahiers de Muséologie. Liège, n.0, [2016].
- Les Cahiers de Muséologie n° 0
- Avant-propos 1
- Articles
- Le « Mouseion d’Epictéta ». Considérations sur la polysémie du mot musée 3-20
- André Gob
- Émile Guimet. Une entreprise muséale hors du commun 21-38
- Aurore Francotte
- Carnets de visite
- « Work/Travail/Arbeid »: composition chorégraphique pour une exposition. Expérience de visite 40-45
- Marjorie Léonard
- Comme un cristal posé sur l’eau. Le Musée des arts asiatiques à Nice (France) 46-52
- André Gob
- Notes de lecture
- « L’artiste commissaire » de Julie Bawin 54-57
- Pierre-Jean Foulon
- « Collecting the contemporary » de Owain Rhys et Zelda Baveystock 58-61
- Laurence Provencher St-Pierre
- Les aventures d’Émile Guimet (1836-1918), un industriel voyageur de Hervé Beaumont 62-65
- Pierre-Jean Foulon
- Dans la marge
- Brèves remarques à propos d’une approche ethnologique du musée 67-73
- Laurence Provencher St-Pierre
- Rendre compte de la société aujourd’hui 74-88
- Cécile Quoilin & Jean-Louis Postula
Muséologie | ULIEGE | 2916
The Cahiers de Muséologie are born from the observation that there are currently few scientific museology periodicals in French and that young graduates encounter difficulties in publishing, in particular articles taken from their work. The University of Liège’s Museology Department has therefore set itself the objective of filling this gap and offering the possibility, both to students and young graduates as well as to seasoned researchers and teachers, to publish texts dealing with Museology. in a freer format, reducing the usual constraints of journals. The various sections of the Notebooks are therefore open to museum professionals or practitioners in the field of museography, conservation, museum mediation, etc.
Developed only in digital form, this open access publication is hosted on the publication portal for scientific periodicals of the University of Liège (PoPuPS), which gives it great visibility and interoperability with international networks. The online journal is listed with an ISSN number.
This publication does not specialize in any particular category of museum; it concerns Museology in the broad sense (a set of scientific disciplines which converge when the object of their research concerns the museum, the relationship between society and its heritage, the processes of musealization). The editorial line of these Notebooks is oriented towards scientific contributions that offer original and innovative reflections in the field of Museology. The orientation is scientific, favoring analysis and interdisciplinary reflection, which does not preclude case studies, practical applications or concrete proposals, quite the contrary.
The previous format of these Cahiers provided an independent publication of each text. At this moment of “refoundation” of the journal, after a pause and transition, we have brought together the various texts already published in a “zero” number with the idea of organizing annual numbers including at least one text from each section, to know:
• Articles: scientific articles, submitted to the International Review Committee according to the double blind peer review system.
In addition to these articles, which constitute the heart of the online journal, are the following headings:
• Carnets de visite: reviews of museums and exhibitions (temporary and permanent), which can discuss an institution as a whole or some of its aspects (exhibitions, architecture, scientific mission, cultural activities, etc.). The publication of these Notebooks gives researchers access to information (in particular images) concerning exhibitions or activities which no longer take place.
• Notes de lecture: critical reviews of scientific books and periodicals, print or online publications. The Notes also take an interest, where appropriate, in publications aimed at the general public, or even in works of fiction which depict the museum universe.
• Dans la marge: texts with a freer tone, which allow their authors to express themselves on a topical subject, possibly controversial, and to provoke or take a position in a debate. This section also leaves room for the expression of “hors-piste” reflections, carte blanche, interviews with sometimes existential, sometimes anecdotal considerations as well as the dissemination of reference documents for the museum field.
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ISSN 2406-7202
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