Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana | UPTC | 1998

The Journal History of Latin American Education  (Tunja, 1998-) is a diamond open access publication, (no costs for authors), peer-reviewed with two monographic issues (January and July) in each of its volumes.Rhela accepts research articles resulting from theoretical and empirical methodologies, as well as reviews on the history of education with an emphasis on Latin America, written in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Rhela’s scientific target community: researchers, graduate students, professionals in history, heritage and cultural affairs, mainly.

Rhela also welcomes comparative or research works from other regions and continents dealing with history of education, in contexts with problems similar to those of Latin America.

  1. The Latin American and Caribbean university
  2. Latin American educators, their formation and leadership
  3. Education in rural, indigenous and Afro-descendant communities
  4. Normal schools
  5. Pedagogies, peace and resilient populations
  6. Education based on new technologies
  7. University and university movements
  8. History of comparative education

Since its creation in 1998, Rhela has been funded by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Uptc) and the Society for the History of Latin American Education (SHELA).

Periodicidade semestral.

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ISSN 0122-7238.

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Itamar Freitas

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